Tips for eating out...
Do you find eating out is one of the biggest challenges when you’re trying to eat for fat loss? Here are a few tips so you can to enjoy a...
7 strategies to fight food cravings
People experience food cravings for a variety of reasons: from boredom to loneliness, to food addiction and habit. Fighting them can be...
Ab classes will never get you abs!
I am asked all the time how people can get better, flatter, and more visible abs. It’s the #1 area people want to improve. Go into any...
Self-fulfilling prophecy...
You will become what you believe you are. It’s a fact. It’s the self-fulfilling prophecy. So, if you tell yourself that you’re a fat...
Authentically you!
What is authenticity? To me, it means being yourself no matter what. Being the you that you KNOW you are. It means never compromising to...
Are you making this critical mistake?
It’s a mistake to think it’s selfish to take care of yourself as your first priority in life. You must NOT confuse self-sacrifice with...
How getting fit boosts your bank account!
You probably don’t hear much about how getting fit actually helps you save money! Often people fail to invest in themselves for fitness...
Let go of the 'all or none' mindset!
One of the main reasons fitness programmes or diets fail is because of the ‘all or none’ mindset. The story tends to go something like...
Three incredible guilt-free desserts!
Let’s face it, everyone loves dessert! But eating loads of sugar and starchy carbs isn’t helpful to anyone’s waistline or health. ...