Overcoming your fears
When you face powerful emotions like fear and failure, do they stop you in your tracks or propel you into forward action? Today I want...

Train the Trainer!
It felt like a long build up, but our 'Train the Trainer' event finally happened on Sunday 25th March and what a day it was! It had...

Why you're stuck...
Are you stuck, and if so, why? What’s the thing in life that propels us forward to achieve new goals, whether they are in weight loss,...

Set Your Goals!
What is a goal? Well, let’s actually start with what is NOT a goal… “I want to lose weight.” “I want to feel better.” “I want to tone...

Personal trainer tips: Working out when you have an injury
Sometimes having to deal with tweaks, twinges and nagging injuries may become part of your exercise regime. Whether this is down to...

Bingo Wings & Muffin Tops!
Yeah…I recognize that was not the most appealing title for a blog post, but those are topics that come up A LOT for the women we work...

The Silliest Logic
I can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard something to this degree: “Once I get in better shape, then I can come workout at Empowered...

Why the scales SUCK so much!
We see it here at Empowered Fitness all the time. Someone has just joined us and there’s the dreaded look when we ask them to step on...

Personal trainer tips: Be the best version of YOU!
With social media being so popular these days, it could be easy to believe that the majority of people in the world have chiselled abs...

Work Smarter, Not Harder!
No doubt you’ve heard this phrase before because it’s relevant and powerful in every area of life: “Work smarter not harder.” You...