My First Bikini Competition - the big day!
Last Sunday my big day finally came - I did it and I am still buzzing as I sit here typing! Before I went on stage I met the other 12...
2 days out from competition
Competition day is nearly here, I can't believe it!! After months and months of training I'm finally in the very last stages of prep. All...
9 weeks out from competition
Oh blimey just 9 weeks to go now - I'm in single figures with my competition count down which is a scary thought, but exciting too! So...
12 weeks out from competition
It's been another intense week of fat loss training and dieting and I am starting to feel the burn. Feeling really exhausted! I don't...
My First Bikini Competition: Where it all began
While training a client at my gym last summer my colleague Christian asked me if I'd ever considered entering a figure competition. I've...