My First Bikini Competition: Where it all began
While training a client at my gym last summer my colleague Christian asked me if I'd ever considered entering a figure competition. I've...

New year resolutions or revolutions?
Happy New Year everyone! Christmas is one of my favourite times of year simply because it gives everyone a great excuse to spend more...

Christmas - How to maintain, not gain!
At this time of year I see people almost resign themselves to the fact that they are going to put on weight. And understandably so when...

Breaking the plateau
At this time of year I hear a lot of people saying they feel like they're going in to hibernation mode. And this is exactly what our...

Autumn-atic success!
I would like to ask you what your goals are for this month? Do you know what you’re aiming for over the coming weeks? Goal setting is...

Chill out man
This month I would like to delve in to the subject of stress. It touches us all from time to time but for some people, coping with high...

It’s all in the mind
You’ll often find me using the phrases ‘’it’s all in your mind’’ or ‘’it’s mind over matter’’ and I genuinely believe this is true. All...

When I was in 'Nam
This month I would like to reflect on some observations I made while I was on holiday on Vietnam recently and how this made me consider...